Legal Disclaimer

Disclaimer, Note, Caution, Prohibited Behavior : Terms of Use of Company Information

Disclaimer Agreement "Sri Brundavana Foods Bangalore"


Users of this website shall be assumed to have consented to the following terms:
by visiting our (this) website, you (the user) have Automatically, Voluntarily and Conciously has Agreed to all the Terms and Conditions of Our Company, without any disputes.

Sri Brundavana Foods Bangalore ("The Company") reserves the right to make changes in this Use Agreement without prior notice. In the event of such changes, the revised use agreement shall apply immediately thereafter.

All are prohibited from engaging in the following behaviors, Act.

Anti-Spam Policy

! WARNING ! :: Do Not Disturb... We hate Promotional Calls, SMS, E-mails...

We STRICTLY treat all Commercial, Marketing, Promotional Calls, SMS, E-mails as "SPAM".

Severe Action will be taken against those who violate or Ignore this Warning and Continue to SPAM by sending E-mail, SMS and or Contacting or by Calling us for "Commercial Communication" means any e-mail, message, voice or SMS made through telecommunications service, which is transmitted for the purpose of directly or indirectly informing about, or soliciting or promoting any commercial transaction in relation to goods, investment, services or charity.

We do not CARE if you are a REGISTERED TELEMARKETER with any Government Agency or an Individual, Freelancer, Company, NGO or any Charitable Trust. You will be held Responsible for Consequential Losses or Damages Incurred by this kind of Behaviour to our Business, Services, Data, Servers and or also for Loss of Our Time.

Legal Trade Marks (tm)

undava, undava foods, undava India, Sri Brundavana Foods Bangalore are the Trade Marks of Our Company.

Company Tag Line

"Good Quality Tasty Food" is the Tag Line of Our Company.

Digital and or Intellectual Information

Using/misusing any of the Company Name, Logo, Contact Details, Data, Details, Information, Photos, Videos, Text, Links, Hyperlinks and or any kind of or both Digital and/or Intellectual Information from this Web Site & All the Pages is Prohibited and is Punishable Offence under Indian Cyber Crime Laws.

No one other than us "The Company" can use this in any of the form, factors.
All the Information here forth is the Sole Property of Sri Brundavana Foods Bangalore ("The Company") & reserves all the Rights and Copyright © 2018 - 2025

Objections for this Disclaimer Policy

Questions or any form of Objections are NOT entertained regarding this Disclaimer Policy.

Contacting the Company

Any other queries should be directed to the Company by clicking on "Contact"